Exercise Rehab ProtocolFemoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome (FAI)
[SERIES] 2/5
If you missed part 1, click here.
- Postural exercises are used to teach the patient to improve body awareness.
- Neutral posture can reduce compensation patterns.
- If swayback posture is present with anterior pelvic tilt, it might further contribute to FAI symptoms.
Common Symptoms include:
- Clicking
- Catching
- Locking
- Restricting
- Stiffening of the hip with movement
Initial Exercises:Floor anterior and posterior pelvic-floor tilts.
[Achieve neutral pelvic alignment and improve awareness of pelvic tilt; 50 reps]
Progression #1
Quadrupled lumbar flexion and extension
[Achieve neutral pelvic alignment and improve awareness of pelvic tilt; 50 reps]
Progressions #2
Seated pelvic-girdle tilts, on chair or exercise ball.
[Achieve neutral pelvic alignment and improve awareness of pelvic tilt; 50 reps].
Progression #3
Standing pelvic-girdle tilts.
[Achieve neutral alignment and awareness of pelvic tilt; 50 reps]
In the coming posts, more advanced progressions and exercises will be featured, including:
Core Stabilization Exercises
Hip Strength & Motor Control Exercises
Flexibility and Mobility Exercises
Reposted with permission from @physicaltherapyresearch on instagram

Terrell et al. 2020. Therapeutic Exercise Approaches to Nonoperative and Postoperative Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome. Journal of Athletic Training 2020;55(11):000–000.

Dalton Urrutia, MSc PT
Dalton is a Physical Therapist from Oregon, currently living and running the performance physiotherapy clinic he founded in London for Grapplers and Strength & Conditioning athletes. Dalton runs the popular instagram account @physicaltherapyresearch, where he posts easy summaries of current and relevant research on health, fitness, and rehab topics.
Want to learn more or contact him?
Reach out online:
Terrell et al. 2020. Therapeutic Exercise Approaches to Nonoperative and Postoperative Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome. Journal of Athletic Training 2020;55(11):000–000.
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