Self Ankle Mobilization for Sprain Recovery | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Self Ankle Mobilization for Sprain Recovery

I saw a young gymnast a few weeks back recovering from an ankle sprain. She was on week 4 and still had pain with most tumbling and landing. She was positive for

  • lack of stability in a single leg squat
  • inversion stress test painful at mid range
Resisted eversion and dorsiflexion was strong and pain free. All other motions were FN in the tibia, ankle, hip and knee.

I first performed a posterior/superior glide on her lateral malleolus and tweaked the force and direction until the glide itself was threat free. Then I applied the same plantarflexion and inversion force with overpressure and further tweaked the force/direction of the glide until the overpressure was threat free.

After several sets of this, she was able to land from a round off pain free. I then taught her how to do the self mobilization and shot the video below. After she performed it regularly for a few days she was pain free in all tumbling and WB ADLs. We are now focusing on stability training.

Self Ankle Mobilization for Sprain Recovery

Official statement: I learned this concept from a Mulligan Seminar, which I always highly recommend, but I am NOT teaching Mulligan techniques.

I always give credit to where I learned techniques or concepts, but I am not teaching the "official" version.

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