It’s that time of the New Year and predictions on what the
“Next Big Thing” for 2017 might be. I want to go on record to say, pain
neuroscience is NOT the “Next Big Thing” in physical therapy. This
may surprise a few of you, but hopefully I can explain. Now that I get to check
the “20+” box on surveys that ask how long I’ve been practicing physical
therapy, I’ve seen just a few “Next Big Things” come and go in physical therapy.
(It might be a fun Twitter experiment to list out PT interventions that were once
the next big thing that came and went - #PT-NBTTCAW) I want to go over a few
reasons, why I don’t think pain neuroscience is the next big thing in physical
therapy and why it won’t come and go.
First, pain neuroscience is not new. Pain neuroscience is
just the biology, psychology, and sociology of what happens during a pain
experience for individuals. It has been around since biology began, people had
brains, and walked the earth interacting with each other. I hear some people in
internet chat rooms and Twittersphere say they don’t need to bother with
understanding pain neuroscience. It might be because they only treat acute pain
and not chronic pain. They argue that pain neuroscience only matters with
chronic pain and not acute pain. Or maybe worse yet they still are under the
assumption of Descartes. They still believe that the ‘pain’ they treat is only
biomechanical and not the ‘pain’ being looked at in pain neuroscience research.
The reality is pain neuroscience is happening in every patient that you treat
with pain. It does not matter if acute or chronic, biomechanical or not, tall
or short, male or female. Pain and the pain neuroscience behind that pain is
always present during a pain experience. Whether you want to understand it or
not is up to you. For me personally and professionally, I think it is best to
try and understand all the processes going on in my patients. It is through the
understanding of the biological, psychological and social processes going on
with my patient that allows me to most effectively educate and treat them on
what is going on in their body. It is through a shared understanding that we
can work together to set up the best interventions to combat what they are
dealing with.
Next, pain neuroscience is not going to go away. Pain
neuroscience is just that ‘science’, a systematic process that builds and
organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about
the universe as it relates to pain specifically. Science helps reveal the
mysteries of our universe and helps us explain natural phenomena that we see
daily. Our understanding of pain neuroscience will continue to evolve and grow
as our understanding and knowledge grows with the science.
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