"The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice"-- Brian Herbert
It's a time of great excitement in my house as my daughter is preparing to begin her institutionalized educational journey with the commencement of Kindergarten. However, her learning, as most children's, has been ongoing since the day she was born. For those of you reading this, hopefully the learning has never stopped.
One way to "hack" the learning process is through podcasts. In the physical therapy arena, there is an ever-growing number of them to choose from, and in an attempt to make it easier, I have organized them by category--traditional PT, #bizPT, those with more of a training/performance angle, and then a few additional ones not necessarily specific to physical therapy, but with a business/entrepreneur/personal development message that I have found very valuable. Links are provided and all are available through iTunes. Enjoy.
Therapy Insiders is the first of several podcasts from UpDoc Media (@UpDocMedia) and is hosted by Dr. Gene Shirokobrod (@therapyinsiders) along with Dr. Erson Religioso of themanualtherapist.com (@The_OMPT), and Dr. Joe Palmer (@JoeDPT) These three provide interviews with top performers and high achievers not only in the field of physical therapy, but in the business world as well. Notable guests include Chad Cook (@chadcookpt), Tim Flynn (@timothywflynn), John Childs (@childsjd). and Heidi Jannenga (@HeidiJanenga), CEO of WebPT, as well as author and speaker, Daniel Pink, of To Sell is Human, and the one and only Gary Vaynerchuk (@GaryVee), digital media marketing entrepreneur, author, and speaker. His podcast will be featured later in the post. You can check out Therapy Insiders here: https://updocmedia.com/series/therapy-insiders/
Karen Litzy’s (@karenlitzyNYC) Healthy, Wealthy, and Smart podcast was actually the very first PT podcast I came across. Karen is a cash-PT business owner in NYC who provides home visits to her clientele. Her podcast also covers a wide variety of subjects but has a particular focus on chronic pain, the cash-based business model, PT advocacy, and more recently, exceptional women breaking down barriers. Karen has interviewed PT luminaries including Lorimer Moseley and Adriaan Louw, and Kelly Starrett, as well as Rachel Balkovec, the first female strength coach in MLB, and the President of the World Congress of Physical Therapy, Emma Stokes. She has also reached broader with interviews including one with social and political activist Gloria Steinem. One of my favorite interviews this past year has been with Erin Jackson (@healthy_lawyer) who was a persistent pelvic pain patient of Sandy Hilton's at Entropy Physiotherapy in Chicago, and was one of two patients featured in this past year's first ever CSM patient panel presented by Jerry Durham.
Hosted by recent Marymount University DPT graduate and former DJ, Jimmy McKay: The PT Pintcast (@PTPintcast), has climbed quickly up the popularity charts. The interviews are conducted over a pint of beer–how could that not be great. This is one “pint” that’s actually safe to drive with
(I came up with that myself). Notable interviewees include @DrBenFung, @Jerry_Durham, and the new President of the APTA, Sharon Dunn (@dunnSdunn2). Even yours truly was featured in episode #14. I like the fact that even when a student, Jimmy was getting out there talking to professionals in the field and asking good questions. Jimmy was also recently involved helping raise funds for a wheelchair for a young man he met while on a trip in Haiti. http://www.ptpintcast.com/podcasts/
"Hit me!"-- That's the opening line from The Senior Rehab Podcast by Dustin Jones (@DustinJonesPT), Dustin is a former sports medicine physio-turned home health PT who likes to make his geriatric patients lift kettlebells. Did I mention he is also an RKC certified kettlebell instructor? Dustin is bringing a fresh attitude and approach to helping his older patients improve mobility, strength, and function, as well as getting over their apprehension of lifting heavy things. But don't let the title fool you- this podcast is not just for home health physios. Outpatient orthopedic therapists will also find clinical pearls that they can employ directly into their own practice. http://www.dustinjonespt.com/blog/category/podcast
The Physio Matters Podcast (@TPM Podcast) is hosted by UK physio Jack Chew (@Chews_Health), the podcast explores all things physiotherapy, from tendinopathy and pain neuroscience, to managing running injuries and the concept of “core stability.” My favorite episodes so far have been the interviews with Greg Lehman (@GregLehman) (session 16), on the relationship between biomechanics and pain; and the two part episode with Mike Stewart (@knowpainMike) (sessions 4 and 5), on pain neuroscience and how to use metaphors when discussing these challenging concepts with patients. http://chewshealth.co.uk/the-physio-matters-podcast/
Stop Chasing Pain is a podcast that's been around for a while but unfortunately, I only recently discovered it. It comes from Perry Nickelston, DC (@stopchasingpain), who's brand and website is of the same name. Perry has a unique personal backstory and has developed his methods for analyzing and treating pain and movement dysfunction through a variety of influences. He's had many great guests over the years including some of the biggest names in strength & conditioning, rehab,and movement including Gray Cook, Charlie Weingroff, Todd Hargrove, Sue Falsone, Eric Cressey, and Andry Vleeming. http://www.stopchasingpain.com/free-articles/
Just when you thought daily early morning Periscope passion was enough from Jeff Moore (@jeffmooredpt), he's brought the #PTonICE format to podcasts.Although he's dropped the ball (in this listener's humble opinion) by not yet adding some kick-ass intro music to the podcast edition, Jeff comes ready to deliver significant value on all things physical therapy. Forgot your cup of coffee? It's no longer needed after 15 minutes with Jeff. I've already proposed "Working Man" by The Who for the intro.
The Untold Physio Stories podcast is one of the newest on the scene and features Dr. Jason Shane and The Manual Therapist himself, Dr. Erson Religioso. One advantage of the podcast is that it is very short, around 10 minutes, so is perfect for shorter commutes to work or drives around town. Another unique aspect is that the two often discuss or have interviews with other physical therapists discussing failures, instead of only the successes. As the saying goes, you often learn more from your failures. "Intelligent people learn from their mistakes. Wise people learn from others' mistakes."
The Physioedge Podcast , hosted by David Pope (@davidkpope, @davidphysioedge), an Aussie physio, is rumored to be the very first PT-centered podcast. It covers a wide variety of topics from pain neuroscience education, to dry needling, to tendinopathy. I particularly got a lot of value from his two part interview with Mike Stewart (@knowpainmike) on pain science (episodes 035 and 036) as well as his interview with Adam Meakins, aka “The Sports Physio” (@AdamMeakins) on making treating the shoulder complex simple: http://physioedge.com.au/podcasts/
The BJSM poscast (@BJSM_BMJ) covers a wide variety of topics related to physical therapy including low carb diets, evidence-based medicine, K-taping, and various sports-performance related issues regarding injuries and return to activity. Interviews are conducted with experts including Gwendolyn Jull and Shirley Sahrmann. One episode I particularly enjoyed is from May 8–“Why patients and docs make poor decisions”–an interview with Dr. Steven Stovitz of the University of Minnesota. It was an interesting take on application of evidence informed medicine vs. evidence-based medicine. Another notable episode was with Kieren O'Sullivan (@kierenosull) discussing the treatment of persistent low back pain.
The Voice of the Patient podcast is brought to us by Dave Reed (@DReedPT). This podcast is unique in that it allows us to hear directly from patients themselves as they reveal first-hand their experiences with health care. It's a way to uncover views that can better shape us as clinicians. Must-listen episodes include #4 with Dave de Bronkart (@ePatientDave) and #5 with Jerry Durham. Check it out here: https://www.thevoiceofthepatient.org/
The BJSM poscast (@BJSM_BMJ) covers a wide variety of topics related to physical therapy including low carb diets, evidence-based medicine, K-taping, and various sports-performance related issues regarding injuries and return to activity. Interviews are conducted with experts including Gwendolyn Jull and Shirley Sahrmann. One episode I particularly enjoyed is from May 8–“Why patients and docs make poor decisions”–an interview with Dr. Steven Stovitz of the University of Minnesota. It was an interesting take on application of evidence informed medicine vs. evidence-based medicine. Another notable episode was with Kieren O'Sullivan (@kierenosull) discussing the treatment of persistent low back pain.
The Voice of the Patient podcast is brought to us by Dave Reed (@DReedPT). This podcast is unique in that it allows us to hear directly from patients themselves as they reveal first-hand their experiences with health care. It's a way to uncover views that can better shape us as clinicians. Must-listen episodes include #4 with Dave de Bronkart (@ePatientDave) and #5 with Jerry Durham. Check it out here: https://www.thevoiceofthepatient.org/
Fairly new to the scene, the Naked Physio Natters Podcast was NOT what I expected when I clicked on it (ba-dum-ching)! It is hosted by Paul Lagerman (@nakedphysio), a physical therapist out of New Zealand, the country best known in the States as "that place where 'Lord of the Rings' was filmed." The podcast primarily deals with one of the host's principal interests-- persistent pain. Notable interviewees include Bronnie Thompson (@adiesmufree) and Pete Moore (@paintoolkit2)
The Pain Science and Sensibility podcast is co-hosted by Cory Blikenstaff (@ForwardMotionPT) and Sandy Hilton (@SandyHiltonPT). Much like the journal-club style of PT Inquest, Cory and Sandy focus on one or two recent chronic pain or pain neuroscience research articles and discuss how they each incorporate the information into clinical practice. Episode 6 even included a Mont Python reference- how can you not love that? Pain Science and Sensibility
The Mechanical Care Forum podcast is hosted by Jason Ward (@JasonWardPTMDT) , a private practice owner in Memphis, TN. This podcast has a particular focus on the McKenzie MDT approach, but it also incorporates manual therapy and pain psychology. PTs of all backgrounds are sure to find value. Jason does a great job with his interviews exploring both the personal and professional backgrounds of his guests and their integration of research/evidence into clinical practice. He also gets them to offer up clinical pearls that every clinician can apply right away to their own practice.
The Mechanical Care Forum podcast is hosted by Jason Ward (@JasonWardPTMDT) , a private practice owner in Memphis, TN. This podcast has a particular focus on the McKenzie MDT approach, but it also incorporates manual therapy and pain psychology. PTs of all backgrounds are sure to find value. Jason does a great job with his interviews exploring both the personal and professional backgrounds of his guests and their integration of research/evidence into clinical practice. He also gets them to offer up clinical pearls that every clinician can apply right away to their own practice.
The PT Inquest podcast is hosted by Erik Meira (@erikMeira) and J.W. Matheson (@EIPConsult). The podcast covers a variety of topics from sports medicine to chronic pain; ACL rehab and tendinopathy; to research and statistics. It can be regarded like an audio journal club. The first episode I listened to has been my favorite by far, episode #65, on interpreting pain research with guest Neil O’Connell. It is certainly one that likely requires several listenings (is that a word?). You can check it out here: http://ptpodcast.com/podcasts/pt-inquest/
Two Knowbodies Talking follows in the footsteps of PT Pintcast by being hosted by two current DPT. The Knowbodies (first of all, brilliant play-on-words), are Eric Dykstra and Will Boyd. Eric is an avid marathon runner and also likes to take part in a little something known as Ironman triathalons. Will is a is a former competitive soccer player who waslaw school bound until realizing he didn't want to sit forever. Notable episodes include interviews with Dr. David Fraser on the gut-brain connection, and Dr. Joseph Brence (@joebrence9) on understanding pain.
Not to be left out is the NAF Physio Podcast with your host, Adam Meakins, (@AdamMeakins), a.k.a. "The Sports Physio." If you're curious, "NAF" stands for "Not Another F@#$%ing" podcast .It's really a shame that Adam is so quiet and reserved when it comes to sharing his opinions on social media. But at least he interviews some interesting and knowledgeable guests including Tom Goom (@Running_Physio), Mick Thacker (@dibbygibby), Tim Gabbett (@TimGabbett), and Greg Lehman (@greglehman)
#HealthcareDisruPTion is co-hosted by me (shameless plug) and stars Jerry Durham (@Jerry_DurhamPT), who should by now, need no further introduction, lest his ego bust out of the many baseball caps he owns. Together, we try to bring the patient/customer back to the center of the healthcare conversation. We also conduct interviews with authors and business thought leaders outside of healthcare and try to extrapolate their approach to the customer experience within healthcare:
The Physical Therapy Business School Podcast is hosted by Paul Gough (@ThePaulGough), a former professional football (soccer) physio-turned successful cash-based private practice business owner in the UK (where healthcare is free). Paul has brought his business, marketing, and mindset acumen across the pond and can be found on multiple platforms including his PT Profit Academy, on YouTube with "The New Wave PT show," and now expands the sharing of his knowledge and advice in your ears with this podcast.
The Hunt for Greatness with Greg Todd. Hey, isn't that the guy from Periscope who wears all the super-hero muscle shirts? It sure is, but now in podcast form. Greg is a private practice owner and multi-business consultant who's goal is to improve the quality of clinic owners and physical therapist entrepreneurs. Similar to Untold Physio Stories, this podcast is very brief, often 7-10 minutes long, and contains actionable content for both personal and professional growth as a student, clincian, business owner, or aspiring entrepreneur.
The Cash-Based Podcast with Dr. Jarod Carter (@DrJarodCarter). This was, I think, the second PT podcast I came across. Although the main target audience is cash-based PT practice owners or PTs looking to go into private practice following the cash-based or out-of-network model, there are numerous takeaways for all clinicians. . Topics covered that I found valuable include marketing strategies and niche development. One episode I found particularly valuable was episode #38 where Jarod discusses the book "Everything is Marketing" by Fred Joyal, which I subsequently bought and read.
The #Ask Mike Reinold Show is hosted by Mike Reinold Mike is one of the better known physical therapists out there, especially in the sports and performance world, especially when it comes to treatment of the athlete's shoulder. On the show, Mike and his team, including Lenny Macrina (@LenMacPT) and Dave Tilley (@SHIFT_MvmtSci) at Champion Physical Therapy and Performance in Boston, MA. answer audience questions regarding sports rehab, fitness, and business.
For those interested in more of the strength-training/performance angle, check out The Rdella Training podcast, hosted by Scott Iardella, (@RdellaTraining), a physical therapist and former body-builder. Scott has a special interest in kettlebell training and Olympic lifting and has a great personal story as someone who recovered from a herniated disc at a young age and found the way to self-treatment and improvement through an active movement and strength training approach. An avid reader, Scott has hosted top performers in the rehab, strength, and fitness community including Dr. Squat himself, Dr. Fred Hattfield, Dan John, Mike Robertson, Kelly Starrett, and Gray Cook. http://rdellatraining.com/tag/podcast
The Movement Fix podcast is hosted by Dr. Ryan DeBell, DC. Ryan has an interest not only in rehab, but also in mobility, strength and performance, and his content and interviews provide a ton of useful information on all three. Notable guests on the podcast include our own Dr. Erson Religiouso, Authoer of one of my favorite books, "A Guide to Better Movement," Todd Hargrove, Dr. Quinn Henoch of Clinical Athlete, Dr. Stuart McGill, and Mike Reinhold. themovementfix podcast
Another podcast for those interested not only in performance and mobility, but also in a cash-based business or even alternative programming for the clinic you work in, The Dock and Jock Podcast features Dr. Danny Matta (@dannymattapt) of MobilityWOD and owner of The Athletes Potential, and Coach Joe of Joe's Barbell. Their motto, "if you have a body, you're an athlete" resonates throughout their discussions and interviews on human performance, mobility, strength training, and business development. http://docandjock.com/episodes/
The Leo Training Podcast is hosted by former rower and strength coach Joe DeLeo. With his background in both endurance and strength training (especially with kettlebells), Joe brings a unique perspective to a crowded arena. Relatively new on the podcast scene, Joe has already had some great guests including Allan Phillips (@alphil4305), triathelete coach and StrongFirst SFG instructor, Stu McGill, renown spine biomechanist, and Master SFG and all-around strength badass, Karen Smith (@KarenSmithMSFG) http://leotraining.io/podcast-2/
Here are a few other podcasts, not directly related to physical therapy but I have gained a lot of value from both personally and professionally
The Inside Quest Podcast is from one of the founders of Quest Nutrition, Tom Bilyeu (@TomBilyeu)). Tom has an enormous passion for leadership and personal growth. Weekly guests have included the likes of Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins, double lower-limb amputee Olympic hopeful sprinter Blake Leeper, Gabrielle Reece, and Carol Dwek, author of the highly influential book, Mindset. http://www.insidequest.com/tag/podcast/
The James Altucher Show is hosted by James Altucher (@jaltucher), businessman, entrepreneur, and author of the best-selling book Choose Yourself. What's great about James' show is that he is able to pry out of his guests very practical information that most listeners can apply right away to either their current or future businesses. Some of my favorite episodes include interviews with Gary Vaynerchuk (@garyvee), Adam Grant, (@AdamMGrant), author of Originals, and learning and memory expert Jim Kwik, (@jimkwik).
The EntreLeadership Podcast is from the group of renown financial and business adviser, Dave Ramsey, The host and the guests discuss various aspects of leadership, business, marketing, and customer service. Some of my favorite guests include Seth Godin, Simon Sinek, Jon Gordon, and Jim Collins, author of "Built to Last," "Good To Great," and "How the Mighty Fall.". https://www.entreleadership.com/posts.podcast
The #AskGaryVee show with Gary Vaynerchuck (any intro needed?) is available either in video or audio format. Gary, with his usual energy and flair, answers business/marketing/entrepreneurship questions from fans and sometimes conduct interviews other successful business-people including Seth Godin. A must-listen to episode in my opinion is Gary's interview by Stephanie Ruhle. You can find it here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfA33-E9P7FC0AoARnMLvgFgESJe4_Ngs or here:
The Tim Ferriss podcast from author, entrepreneur, investor, and self-experimenter Tim Ferriss, consists of interviews with highly successful individuals where Tim tries to deconstruct the behaviors, attitudes, habits, and strategies that helped them become who they are. Some of my favorite episodes include interviews with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Seth Godin, Pavel Tsoutsoline, Tony Robbins, and Ryan Holiday
The Unbeatable Mind Podcast is from former Navy Seal Commander and now author/entrepreneur/businessman Mark Divine. Commander Divine discusses topics such as mindset exercise and nutrition, and high performance, both mentally and physically. Interview guests have included CEO of Quest Nutrition, Tom Bilyeu, author and marketer Ryan Holiday, former governor pro wrestler, and actor, Jesse Ventura, and punter Steve Weatherford, voted "the fittest man in in the NFL."
The Rich Roll Podcast from vegan ultra-marathoner, author, and speaker Rich Roll is one that I've just started getting into. Similar to Inside Quest and Tim Ferriss, Rich interviews high achievers from multiple arenas in an effort to discover the strategies we can use to unlock our best selves. Notable guests include the "Iceman" Wim Hof, The Huffington Post and sleep advocate Arianna Huffington, author Ryan Holiday, and entrepreneur extraordinaire, Russell Simmons.
Eat, Move, and Live Better is a podcast brought to us by John Berardi and the team at Precision Nutrition (@InsidePN). The podcast is most often audio versions of certain blog posts with the occasional interview or recorded presentation thrown in. For those interested in health and wellness either for themselves or their clients, this is for you. In a very crowded nutritional information space, PN, in my opinion, has emerged as a much-needed voice of reason. Check it out here:
As always, thanks for reading.

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