“This is not an impossible task.”
“The fear of ‘what if’ is much greater than the fear of failure”
Are you interested in owning your own business? Do you want to start a clinic or a wellness center or a cash-based one man spot at a CrossFit gym? The latter is exactly what Ryan Smith did right after school. Sound crazy? Maybe. Business is tough. No sugar coating. We decided to follow Ryan on his journey as growing business owner. We are starting a 12 month podcast series. Starting with this episode then checking in with Ryan at 6 months and then 12 months of ownership. Start the journey with us!

We at UpDoc Media and Therapy Insiders podcasts are big fans of business. We live it, learn and teach it. One thing all business has in common, is people and relationships. One of the best way to grow relationships and meet new, like-minded people is at business conferences. One of our favorites is
Ascend Business Summit. This year not only will we be attending, we will be presenting as well. You can’t have an ultimate business summit without giving away an incredible award! Do you think you have it what takes to be Ascend Practice of the Year? Want a chance to win
a full-page ad in Impact magazine celebrating your practice as the winner, $1,500 cash, two free tickets to Ascend 2017, one free month of UpDoc Media digital marketing ($1,500 value), and of course an incredible trophy for their trophy case. The deadline for applications is June 15, 2016. Apply now www.ascendevent.com
Often people say you are the combination of the five closest people to you. In similar fashion I believe I am the cumulation of a wide range of different methods and individuals that I have studied and learned from.
Beyond the individuals I have learned the most from is the methods that I have put the most time into studying. Strength and conditioning principles, understanding what pain truly is, my athletic training background and working with athletes on a daily basis, and participating in Crossfit have all had a major influence on how I treat and interact with patients/clients.
Founder and owner of uMove Physiotherapy and Performance.
Graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a degree in Athletic Training (2013).
Graduated from Ohio State University with a doctoral degree in physical therapy (2016).

Interested in live cases where I apply this approach and integrate it with pain science, manual therapy, repeated motions, IASTM, with emphasis on patient education? Check out Modern Manual Therapy!
Keeping it Eclectic...
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