Today's Thursday Thoughts aims to clear up another widely held misconception. It's based on Monday's Q&A time discussion regarding McGill wishing McKenzie had never started instructing "Floppy push-ups."
- repeated manipulation
- end range loading
- movement
Wear and tear happens and as someone put it on the previous discussion, the more you drive your car, the more miles it gets on the odometer. It doesn't mean it doesn't run like a dream though with a little maintenance!
When I learning to be a "traditional" manual therapist, most of my instructors scoffed at repeated loading strategies stating they would
- promote hypermobility
- move the joint into the para-physiologic range (this would apparently be the range sloppy manual therapists manipulated in)
- there is no "hyperextension" on the end range
- repeated end range loading just fires mechanoreceptors, and in fact, if you find mobilizations/manipulations useful, repeated loading works just as well and patients can actually do them without you
- ever treat a lax patient? They're still lax after you "stabilize" them
- ever treat the systemically high tone, hypomobile patient? You cannot make them lax
Keeping it Eclectic...

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