Thursday Thoughts: Recommended Courses | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Thursday Thoughts: Recommended Courses

I often get asked what I think of commercial model x, or system y. While there are definitely courses I would recommend for novice clinicians, there are more that I would no longer recommend.

Recently, a reader had it "narrowed" down to two types of certifications, either a Mulligan cert, or a Manual Therapy cert (not sure which one). While both of these types of certifications will provide what most clinicians are looking for, namely more tools, it's not the tool bag that should be full early in your career.

There is no one commercial model out there that will get 80% of your patients better 

What novice, and indeed most clinicians need is an advanced framework and clinical reasoning that is based on evidence and science.  Sure the faculty of these various schools of thought may have amazing track records, but they also have years of experience, charisma, and are probably using placebo to it's fullest in their positive patient interactions. Essentially, unless you learn clinical practice patterns and make mistakes, you will not have the same success as your advanced and experienced clinician. You cannot rush experience.

What the traditional OMPT Cert offers is

  • too many ways to passively assess a patient
  • special tests or palpation based tests that have little to no reliability or validity
  • too many ways to treat a patient
  • too many options, or very little options for patient education
  • little to no pain science education
I gravitated toward a manual therapy certification as soon as I graduated from school because I thought manipulation was awesome (still do), but it is only in the proper context. Whether it's manipulation, IASTM, neurodynamics, or functional mobilizations, they're all just ways to hack into a patient's nervous system to change pain and movement thresholds. 

There are still courses that I highly recommend that will teach you both assessment and treatment, but as my clinical reasoning changes (and becomes more simple rather than complex), so do my recommendations. Turn in tomorrow for my Top 5 Currently Recommended Courses.

Keeping it Eclectic....

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