Today's Quick Links come from SMR Blog, Inform Running, and Mother Jones.
SMR reviewed research that tried to develop a consensus for how to diagnose a concussion after the injury based on a systematic review. The majority had balance deficits and and reaction time deficits within 48-72 hours after the injury. The other markers such as LOC were less common.
Inform Running is another great running site I recently started following thanks to some shares via @snippetphysther on twitter. A few years ago, I got caught up in the forefoot running craze and tried to instruct all my runners on what I thought was more efficient according to Irene Davis' Research. Inform Running looks at a similar method of instruction, Pose Running and breaks it down.
Do you know why pro baseball players have difficulties hitting a pitch from a female softball pitcher? What about the qualities that make up some of the greatest endurance athletes? It's a really interesting read on The Science Behind the World's Greatest Athletes.
OMPT Channel quick update! Ankle Reset from NYC Eclectic Approach Course last year. Under The Eclectics Channel.
Remember, a LOT more Quick Links can be found every day on the OMPT Daily! Updated several times/day!
Keeping it Eclectic...
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