Today's Quick Links come from Specialist Pain Physio, Charlie Weingroff, and
Richmond Stace, The Specialist Pain Physio, wants to know your story. That is, if you're a patient coming to see him for chronic pain. He goes over the details of why this is important, especially the part about when exactly you decided to finally try physiotherapy. It's a great read and may change your history taking or shed new light on your patients.
My pal Dr. Charlie Weingroff gives some random thoughts. He covers everything from Pain Science, to diet, the WTF effect and more. Great read as always from a amazing strength coach, who just happens to be a PT.
Dr. Philip Snell, of and always rocking the hipster 'stache, wrote a great blog post about whether or not herniating discs resorb. It's a great piece to refer to for patients who are stuck in the sea of pathoanatomy and focused on the thought viruses contracted from seeing their specialists. Yes, we all know that those discs can absolutely be symptomatic, but periphery does matter in some cases, and sometimes education and our best efforts are not enough.
Remember to check out The OMPT Daily for more Quick Links!
Also, the EDGE Mobility System sale is still going on until this Friday, May 2nd. There are great discounts on The EDGE Tool, EDGEility Tool, EDGE Mobility Bands and Ball, CupEDGE, and Mirror Boxes.
If you haven't heard, Mike Reinold, Christopher Johnson and myself have decided to offer a live Q&A on Google Hangouts if we win the award for our categories for Therapydia's 2014 PT Blog Awards. Mike is up for best PT Blog, Chris, Best Video Blog, and myself, best Overall Blog. Please vote for us if you find our work helpful and take time to vote for the others who work hard to bring you knowledge.
PS. Mike Reinold will shave his head like Chris' and mine if we win! Bonus!
Keeping it Eclectic...
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