Today's Quick Links are from Eric Chaconas/Jerry Durham, MedBridge Education, and Aaron Swanson.
Jerry Durham is very big in the #SolvePT and social media effort on twitter. He was one of the original posters using that hashtag! Eric Chaconas recently posted a google plus hangout where Jerry is talking PT Advocacy. It's 45 minutes, and I have not watched it, but I knowing Jerry, if you are a DPT student, this is a must watch!
Want some tips on positioning your patient during HVLA of the lumbar and cervical spine? Here are some clinical pearls via MedBridge Education from Gibbons and Tehan, two spinal manipulation instructors. A few of my fellow mentees have taken their courses with extremely positive feedback and learning experiences.
Aaron Swanson wrote a great post on the Art of Recovery. This is part one and is full of great tips and education on the nervous system continuum, stress, how to talor it to your specific patient, and more! I am excited to read part 2, great job Aaron! Keep the posts coming! Great tips on the new father part, my exercise routine has gone to crap, technology use... can't give that up... when your baby often confuses your bicep for a boob, it's time to start working out again!
For more Quick Links, read The OMPT Daily!
Keeping it Eclectic...
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