Today's Quick Links come from Cinema Air, Browdering, and Jeff Cubos.
Plug Time!
Have you been wanting more video instructions than my blog and youtube channel provide? Some clinicians have been subscribing to my OMPT Channel and using their con-ed funds from their work places to pay for their subscription. At the end of the year, I provided several of them with receipts and they were able to get reimbursed! Here is a testimonial from one of my subscribers
"Thank you Erson I really appreciate that you always reply to my emails in a timely manner
I was able to submit your receipt for my yearly subscription to my company and will be reimbursed as part of my continuing education benefits.
I use your website often when I need to brush up on techniques that I may not have used in a while.
The videos are short and sweet and i have even used the website to review right before my next patient.
I really appreciate the explanations and rationales you give for when you use the techniques.
I noticed you added some new content this year.
thanks a bunch"
Barbara L Cortes MS, PT, OCS, FAAOMPT
Now onto your regularly scheduled Quick Links!
The enigmatic Cinema Air has done another great PT interview of a clinician well known to social media. Check out his interview of David Browder, DPT, OCS. He has a very interesting background and also started a new blog.
Are you a fan of the #BizPT hashtag on twitter and the great information that accompanies it? David Browder started a new blog with the goal of helping PT Practice owners and/or managers with their businesses. Here is a link to the first post in his Jobs Applied Series - as in Steve Jobs.
Jeff Cubos recently attended one of Andreo Spina's Functional Anatomic Palpation and Functional Range Release courses. Instead of reviewing the material, he just gives some quick notes and quotes from the course, which he highly recommends. Jeff is a clinician whose judgement I trust and I follow Dr. Spina on facebook, his posts and videos are informative.
For more links, please visit The OMPT Daily!
Keeping it Eclectic...
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