Today's Quick Links come from Patrick Ward, Jeff Cubos, and Body in Mind.
Did any of you attend the surprisingly civil Gray Cook and Stu McGill presentation last weekend? I did not, but plan on getting the video of it from Two great reviews come from Patrick Ward, who attended and uses the FMS, and via Jeff Cubos' site. Dr. Cubos did not attend, but linked to a great review from a sports chiro who also uses the FMS. Thanks to Dr. Bob Maybee for writing a great review!
I like what Gray stressed about the FMS, being the best we have right now as a system for screening movement. In terms of Dr. McGill's often stated "it depends," that is probably the most realistic answer he could give to many questions. Every patient is an individual, however, it is pretty unrealistic for most clinicians to see their patients for 3 hours. I remember hearing that in a McGill interview a few years back and being surprised. I still think anyone can treat professional athletes and come across like an amazing clinician. What happens when your average joe sedentary comes in with a foot drop and lateral shift? I don't use McGill's principles, so I wouldn't know. Anyone care to comment?
Patrick also uses the FMS realistically, similar to how I use the SFMA and FMS. Symmetry of movement patterns are a minimum of what you should have prior to more advanced movements and sport. Read up on his within post links on his physiologic buffer zone concept.
Body in Mind seems to be looking more at the body lately than I remember! Their latest research review is on changes in the thoracolumbar fascia, a highly innervated area that is often dysfunctional. I will definitely be adding this to my reference list theoretically support tissue work to this area for diffuse LBP.
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