Today's Quick Links come from Cinema Says, Direct Performance Physical Therapy, and Eat, Run, Rehabilitate.
First up, another great interview by the enigmatic @cinema_air. This time we have Erica Meloe, a name I recognize from PT online social media. She goes over how PT is her second profession, what makes her different and why you should be as well. It's full of information and great advice. Cinema is really hitting home runs with his interviews lately!
Direct Performance PT Founder Jacob McCrowell has been on a blogging roll with regular posts coming weekly. I am even behind on my sharing (but not on my reading). Want to hear his take on mobility and tightness? Click here for the Big Picture on Mobility.
Adam Kelly is gearing up for increased activity levels including marathon training. What better way to practice the SFMA than to go through it? One caution, you need someone to passively take you through some of the breakouts. Here are links to his posts on his SFMA 1 and 2. He's got some work to do!
Keep up with more links at The OMPT Daily!
Lastly, for all you OMPT Channel Subscribers, a new mini-eval and treat from The Eclectic Approach to Spinal Manipulation in Pittsburgh, PA was just posted. Look for it under the Assessment Channel - Cervical Pain with Swimming.
Keeping it Eclectic...
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