Today's Quick Links are from Dynamic Principles, Physio Spot, and The Gait Guys.
Look at what happened, Leonard Van Gelder finally graduated! He's been busy, but the author of the great posts What IASTM Is and Isn't finally wrote another great post entitled Post-antalgic Patterning - Part 1. Congrats on the graduation and clinic opportunity!
Physio Spot had an interview with Michael Rowe, an physiotherapy educator in South Africa. It's interesting hearing his education and influences and what he is currently doing with trying to understand his students better as opposed to patients. Funny how in that part of the world, taking typing in 1992 was laughed at for males because it was considered "for girls." - in 1992!
The Gait Guys recently discussed The One Cheek Sneak and Gait... yeah, that one. What do the gluts have to do with pelvic floor dysfunction? Read on to find out!
I hope you are having a good holiday week, those of you in the states. In Thanksgiving for all my support and readers, The EDGE Mobility System is having a sale if purchased through! EDGE Tools, Bands, Cups, and Balls make great stocking stuffers!
There's always The OMPT Daily for more links!
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