Today's Quick Links are from NOI Notes, Anatomy and Physiotherapy, and Physio Edge.
Physio Edge founder David Pope has a great podcast. I have not listened to the latest in all my spare time, but I'm sure it's a good one if it is like any of his others. This one is on tendinopathy, discussing research by the author on the show, plus Jill Cook's research, changes on diagnostic ultrasound with loading programs and more.
David Butler recently wrote a great post regarding the Rollercoaster of Professional Life. Looking at it from the perspective of someone who has taken more con ed that most of us ever will, and created an entire approach of his own is very interesting! He experienced much of what we do, improved outcomes after taking courses, then falling back into "I need more... or there has to be something I am missing." It's a great read from one of the most brilliant and charismatic minds on the planet.
A research review on Anatomy and Physiotherapy looked at ankle sprains and ligamentous laxity. Do you think there was any difference from recurrent sprains or from uninvolved side to to other? Read to find out! Here's a hint, recurrent ankle sprains need an approach like the SFMA to screen out why they may be happening.
Remember, #IASTM Technique is still on sale for 3 more days! Get $30 off plus CEUs, plus a free pouch and shipping on EDGE/EDGEility Tools!
Keeping it Eclectic...
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