I am psyched that IASTMtechnique.com has been approved for 6 CEU contact hours by the NATA and the MA State APTA!
What does this mean for other states? You can also submit for approval with other organizations, we provide everything you need on the course lesson page.
In honor of our course approval, Mike and I are going to put the course on sale again for this week only!
The sale price will be available until midnight Sunday EST. Click here to save $30 and get 6 CEU hours!
Join the several 100s of people that have already gone through the program and are giving it awesome reviews!
Check out this pre and post diagnostic ultrasound on an extensor tendon. The first short clip is pain and limited ROM, with limited tendon gliding. The second clip is after 2 minutes of very light IASTM. As you can see, the tendon gliding is much better, there was increased AROM, and significant reduction in reported pain.
There is also a $10 off EDGE link included with your membership to iastmtechnique.com, that includes a pouch, a $20 value, and like all EMS Products, free shipping in the US!
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