The course was very abbreviated, normally taught in 2 days, but the message was the same. For a review of Training=Rehab, read my review from last year.
This is just a quick SFMA (or any active movement) pearl that I did not pick up from the official SFMA seminar. Let's quickly review why using a high threshold strategy is not ideal when performing movement. One of Charlie's lessons are that EMG does not lie, but it does not tell the entire story either.
The above pics were taken from Aaron Swanson, who reviews these concepts well.
If someone performs a deep squat effortlessly like a young child, and another person gets into the same position, while holding their breath and performing a valsalva, do they really "own" the movement? Who has the higher TA EMG?
With that in mind, when you are testing SFMA movements and if you have a doubt that they are FN, ask the patient to take a breath. If they lose motion, it's not FN, it's DN. Easy as that. Several course participants did not pass some movements when looking at their breathing. Breathing may also be diaphragmatic at rest, then apical when asked to do a SFMA Top Tier or breakout test, this also is not a pass.
If a patient is really able to perform the MSR, Cervical flexion, MRE, etc... a deep breath should be easy and NOT reduce the overall ROM.
One more thing, regarding yesterday's response to Allan Besselink's post from last week on science. Apparently it was NOT about me or my approach. I took the post down and apologized here.
Keeping it Eclectic...
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