Back from vacation Quick Links! Today, read on for posts by some of my favorite social media peeps, Ben Fung, Ann Wendel, and Adam Kelly.
First things first! Here is a link to info on my homepage for my Eclectic Approach to Spinal Manipulation for the Pitt-Marquette Challenge in September 21-22, 2013! I'm honored to be chosen among other speakers like Chad Cook and Louie Puentedura, in fact, I use their research in my lecture! #notworthy
Dr. Ben Fung wraps up his #brandPT Challenge with a post about different social media and our professional brand. Here is an irony, I only participated in one of his challenges myself! Sorry Ben! I shared and glad you got some participation out of your hashtag!
Curious as the how the EDGE Mobility Band works? Do you want to hear an honest review from someone who bought the Bands himself and used them on several cases? Look no farther than Adam Kelly's review on Eat, Run, Rehabilitate! Thanks Bud!
Ann Wendel recently wrote a post for WebPT on empathy. With posts popping up on EIM's blog on the same, it seems to be a hot topic. I think as a profession it is one of our hallmarks. Almost everyone can relate to having pain or difficulties with movement. In contrast, think about being able to relate to someone with a MI, multiple root canals, or some sort of disease process... it would be more difficult to relate to someone with a condition you may never come down with.
As always, check out The OMPT Daily for more links!
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