Today’s Quick Links come from Body in Mind, The Sports Physio, and Direct Performance Physical Therapy
Uh oh! What do you make of this latest post at Body in Mind on Management of Acute Whiplash? The study (which I do not have yet, but plan on getting) looks at an evidence based clinical management of acute whiplash, and a typical, go to your PCP, physio or chiro. It was done by Gwen Jull, et al of deep cervical flexor fame. The EBP management had patients having individualized treatment via a team of physio (manual therapy + ther ex, modalities), psychology including directed treatment toward post-traumatic disorders, and pharmacology as needed. That sounds like it would do better than the "standard" approach. Well... it didn't at 6 and 12 months. Someone in the comments asked about secondary gain and Neil, the blog author stated there was also no difference with or without secondary gain. What do you think? That certainly is frustrating, but does seem to mimic my outcomes in the clinic, where MVA patients are seen for me to feed my family, and HMO patients or private pay get better in my typical 6 visit average. Makes you want to not see whiplash anymore? As if I wasn't biased enough when they are not getting better!
Are you aware of the CPR for Lumbar Stabilization? New Blog alert! Direct Performance Physical Therapy is maintained by Dr. Jake McCrowell. He compares the Lumbar Stabilization CPR to the SFMA and how it rules out mobility/motor control issues. Regular posts are on the way I am told!
Need a review on Shoulder Instability? The Sports Physio does it for you! Click here to learn more! It's a very informative post and way more specific pathoanatomically than I get for most these days.
Don't forget the OMPT Daily, continuously updated with more links!
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