Today's Quick Links come from ISPI, Adam Kelly, Forward Thinking PT, and NOI Jam. Hope everyone in the US has a great holiday and everyone else has a great day!
ISPI always produces a great newsletter chock full of great info. Here is a link in case you're already not a subscriber.
Adam Kelly recently posted 3 Lessons I Learned in My First Year. Good for you! It only took less than a year to realize you didn't know it all. (It took me a few).
Dr. Joe Brence wrote a short post recently on Clinical Toolbox vs Clinical Reasoning. My thoughts, why can't we have both. Of course I'd choose sound, EB clinical reasoning, but not everyone responds to the same treatments based on preference/expectation, patient interaction, etc...
An interesting shoulder case was recently posted on NOI Jam. It used a modified GMI protocol to good effect. Does anyone else use GMI regularly in their practice? I have the text and read the research, but have not utilized it, mainly due to necessity (or lack thereof).
The OMPT Daily is below!
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