Today's Quick Links come from In Touch PT Blog,, Adam Kelly, and Lorimer Moseley on youtube.
Dr. Harrison Vaughn found an interesting case study on the knee using MDT in JMMT. His soapbox is a similar one to mine and it upsets me when I hear about a patient's previous treatments. You can find a directional preference for any area of the body, thus making your treatment internally valid to the patient as they can now replicate anything that was done in the practice (as opposed to NWB arthrokinematic mobilizations).
Lorimer Moseley recently finished up a 2 DVD series on Pain for These DVDs are a great price $20 each, and here is the sample put up by Laree Draper. They are going to be required watching for all my mentees and interns!
Adam Kelly has gone soft! Actually, just like I have, in his STM that is! Read Putting the Soft Back into Soft Tissue.
Last but not least, I am presenting live today at 12:00 pm EST til 2:00, on the Eclectic Approach to Clinical Neurodynamics on If you cannot catch it live, it will be available for later viewing if you have the subscription, which at $99 for unlimited CEU viewing for a year, is a really good deal.
The OMPT Daily is below!
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