I decided to make another website! Why rest on your laurels with six, or however many I have!
This was inspired by Harrison Vaughn's post on the Image of Physical Therapy, I even hesitate to post it, but that image is this one...
Introducing Physio Pics! This is the mission statement of, taken from my new site's mission page.
The mission of Physio Pics is to optimize search engines to see REAL physical therapy pictures. In Touch PT Blog first found that almost every search for "physical therapy" under images returned with the same generic SLR stretch picture. That post can be found here. My goal is to get as many PT clinicians and students from all around the world to contribute pictures to either this site directly or to the facebook page.
With enough hits with pictures from all regions of the body and all types of PT, we can change the image of physical therapy with real pictures! The other bonus is this site can be a one stop shop for images to be used in powerpoint presentations, lab manuals, blog posts, social media, etc, license free and not subject to copyright as they should all be privately taken pictures, not owned by a corporation or taken professioonally.
1) Apply to gain access by contacting me here
2) After gaining access, feel free to share the site and post as many pictures (in separate posts) as you want.
3) Title the post and also caption the picture
4) You may link the caption back to your own site if you wish
5) Any picture that is not representative of physical therapy, or inappropriate will be taken down
6) The admin of this site also may take own any picture at any time without the original poster's permission
7) No actual blog post is needed, just a picture
8) All images posted will be your own and not taken from other sites without permission
9) If you are taking pictures of live patients, it is best to get a image release waiver
10) All images posted to physiopics.com are license free and able to be used for informational purposes, shares online, powerpoint presentations, etc.
11) Any pics posted to the facebook site will be posted manually to physiopics.com by an admin
That's it! Let's change the image of physical therapy by posting as many pics as possible!
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