There's a new feature on The Manual Therapist Blog! Check back daily and click on The OMPT Daily at the top!
As I tirelessly scan the web for Quick Links and with the upcoming demise of google reader, my favorite RSS, I decided to make an aggregated PT/Health/Fitness page where my readers can get the same content I read all in one place! It features content from In Touch PT, Mike Reinold, Forward Thinking PT, @noigroup, @bodyinmind, @abesselink, @snippetphysther, and more! Content will be rotated as well. There is a new edition daily! I will still do Quick Links, but not every Tuesday and Thursday, if I feel a post deserves some extra attention, I'll post and share it on the main blog.
The content is organized into different topics, and you can choose between stories, health, technology, etc. There's a lot more than the main stories on the page, and click to see more, or choose "all articles" at the menu bar to see a more tradition list view, versus the default "magazine" view.
Let me know what you think!
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