Today's Quick Links come from Bill Hartman, Allan Besselink, and Harrison Vaughn.
Harrison Vaughn showed something we do not often see in PT school, or for that matter clinical practice, positive signs of an Upper Motor Neuron lesion. In 15 years of practice, I've never seen one! Here is the link to his post on Hoffman's Test and the Inverted Supinator Sign.
Bill Hartman posted a case complete with pics using the PRI Approach for unilateral lumbar and radiating posterior thigh Sx with mild lateral shift. This is an approach that I want to learn this year and take at least the two home study courses. Interesting stuff, but without knowing the corrective exercises, not sure exactly what happened here. Anyone able to elaborate?
Allan Besselink, a DipMDT is always on the lookout to educate patients and consumers on some of the misconceptions of the public and many clinicians. Does leg length discrepancy affect running, or for that matter most ADLs, or even cause pain? Not according to research showing many individuals have abnormal findings on scans, unilateral or not.
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