There are plenty of tools out there for IASTM, here are 5 reasons why I made my own.
1) Some of the other models out there are way too expensive.
I know what I pay the manufacturer for a run of EDGE tools. I'm pretty sure I get them in smaller quantities, so the big names are making a killing on theirs. Especially the ones you have to lease. I knew I could design and bring to market a high quality stainless steel tool for way less than what others charge.
2) I wanted something with a handle
Having a handle that works for multiple hand holds really eases the use of a tool. Try using a butter knife or sword shaped tool for 10 minutes and see how your own hand feels. Practitioners who have used tools without a handle agree.
3) I felt like I didn't need an entire set of tools
Unlike even some tools that look and are shaped remarkably like the EDGE, but made by someone who has virtually no manual therapy experience... the EDGE has enough sides to work on most any area of the body. The sharp side (which some have said is too sharp) is less sharp than a Graston tool, and the dull side, works for depth progression if you feel that more pressure in the technique is warranted. I have not found a need to change it past the current design too much.
4) To save my hands
In my mid 20s, I could make it to the end of a week, late 20s, only to the mid-week and early 30s, my hands started to hurt by Tuesday! When a chiro brought in some Graston tools for me to mess around with, I knew I had to save my hands by using tools for tissue work. Ironically, I noticed when I stopped rock climbing, my hands started aching more and not less.
In the past year I have really been letting up on my force, confirming for me that the mechanotransduction and neurophysiologics of the soft tissue work are more responsible for the changes we see. This also saves my hands.
5) I had better outcomes integrating tissue techniques into my treatment than just joint work
I used to work in a clinic that had me seeing 4 patients an hour and getting only 30 minutes for evaluations. That left me with very little time for soft tissue work. When I started in a clinic that gave me the freedom to see 2 patients/hour with an hour for evaluations, I had more time for tissue work. I immediately noticed better outcomes. It wasn't only the time, as I practiced for 2-3 years mainly doing joint work and neurodynamics. After integrating tissue work, I noticed greater gains in function and ROM. Neurophysilogically, I think we are affecting more of the sensory homonculous as we are working on greater areas of the body than just applying pressures in different angles on the "joints." Tissue work has less contraindications than joint mobilizations as well, meaning you can use it on a wider caseload.
Thanks for the Friday 5 suggestions via facebook and twitter! Keep them coming! Have a great weekend everyone! Be sure to check out my latest product for the coming soon for the US and Canadian market,!
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