Today's Quick Links come from Physiopedia, Body in Mind, and the European Journal of Pain.
Have you ever wondered how to interpret the different levels of evidence? Here is a link to a post on Physiopedia that tells you just that!
I had some discussion with the author of this particular study on twitter. It's an RCT studying classification based cognitive functional therapy in patients with non-specific chronic LBP. The two groups are the Cognitive group and a OMPT and ther ex group. There were statistically significant differences in outcomes as measured by the ODI and pain intensity in favor of the Cognitive based therapy group. My question to the author was were their interaction and education in the OMPT and ther ex group. He said it was a pragmatic design and the physios were instructed not to educate the patient, but most did. Since MDT incorporates more of an educational and preventative approach I'm wondering how it would do in a similar study. Thanks to @sigmik on twitter for sharing hot off the presses!
Can another person feel your pain? Have you ever seen someone get kicked in the groin? Yeah... ouch. The latest post on Body in Mind explains how and why.
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