Today's Quick Links come from In Touch PT, Popular Science, and Jeff Cubos.
Dr. Harrison Vaughn recently completed his 3 part case series on the difficult LE Sx. Again, I won't spoil it for you, but it was an interesting case and an interesting solution. My take, under the MDT system, it would be classified as a far lateral derangement, and end range was not being achieved with the other exercises or positions he tried. The solution was definitely at end range!
I saw this article in Popular Science last week and have always wondered this myself, having 3 girls under 6 years old. Why do girls throw like a girl? Sometimes, my kids end up throwing a ball backward over their head as their arm goes forward! No, they don't get it from me!
Dr. Jeff Cubos recently posted about a rut he is in. I have wondered this on occasion as I start to treat more active and better moving individuals than my typical mostly sedentary ortho/pain caseload. What percentage of ortho vs sports have true chronic pain states? For every +1 you get for a chronic pain case, you can have just as many -2's. Anyone that tells you they can treat all patients equally well is either lying or over confident. I love being proven wrong about a case, which will be the topic of next week's COTW! Good luck Jeff, we've all been there!
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