Here are not necessarily the 5 Craziest MOIs I've Ever Heard, but the ones I can remember off of the top of my sleepyhead right now.
5) I was treating a woman who seemed "a bit off" during the eval for cervical pain and radiating UE complaints. I noticed after a few weeks of visits, she kept having fresh band-aids on her bilateral thenar eminences. I asked, "I couldn't help but notice you keep changing your bandaids on your thumbs, what happened?" She simply replied, "Oh, I think my thumbs look meaty, so I chew them." I jokingly replied, "Do you have ketchup with that?" She WASN'T joking!
4) A patient was driving on the highway, saw a tree that was in the way and swerved to avoid it. He flipped over his car 5 times and emerged with light lacerations. I treated him for mild cervical pain and told him he should tell the manufacturer about it. I think they gave him a free car and he ended up in a print ad.
3) A patient was referred to me for headaches. Apparently, her referring specialist did not ask about the cause. When I asked what made her symptoms worse, she said, "There is a neighbor of mine that has a device that beams the headaches into my head. He lives next door, and I can see him pushing the button and laughing at me." I had my office manager who normally leaves early on that day, stick around.
2) Future Case of the Week writeup - I was referred a patient for cervical pain and unilateral headaches. I was typing on the computer when he walked up to the desk and placed the script in front of me. It read "eval and treat for headaches." From a seated position, I could see that he was very tall (standing to my right), so reading the script and then looking up I said, "So I see you're here for...... (holy crap - was my thought)" His head was sidebent to the left at least 60 degrees, but also sidebent to the right upper cervical almost as much. Imagine your chin located above your almost distal clavicle, but your eyes actually being level. That was this guy. It's not too often I am at a loss for words. He simply stated, "I was in WW2 and my truck hit a landmine, rolled over, and my head got bent this way. It's been that way ever since." Ouch.
1) The last patient I evaluated on my last day of my last clinical was referred for "groin strain." This guy was in 10/10 pain. For some reason, he was climbing two ladders and about 30 feet up with one leg and arm on each ladder. One ladder slipped, and he ended up in a straddle split for 30 minutes screaming before someone heard him and rescued him. Double ouch. I never found out how he did as I only evaluated him.
Any crazy mechanism of injuries you want to share? Comment below! Have a great weekend! The learning starts again on Monday!
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