Today's Quick Links come from Julie Wiebe, Body in Mind, and Gray Cook!
Julie Wiebe, pelvic floor champion, says the Pelvic Floor Needs New PR! After watching her vids, reading her posts, and taking Charlie Weingroff's course this weekend, I would tend to agree. Already made changes in some patients who were having returning lower quarter pain by improving their pelvic alignment awareness and working on breathing!
What sections do you read of an journal article? Body In Mind reviews research that states most only read the abstract and the conclusions. Heck, are you just clicking on my links? I must admit for most articles (because I read so many), I read a bit more than what the study shows. However, I only skim the lit review, I always read the methods, then go to the conclusions. Slightly less guilty as charged!
Joe Heiler of Sports Rehab Expert interviews Gray Cook about Self Limiting Exercise. This is applicable to not only athletes, but everyone who you are correcting movement patterns. Many patients want to do something more challenging. However, Motor Control theory, which the FMS is based on, and makes perfect sense to anyone who has ever instructed movement states you should not train faulty movement. Gray even gives a neat example of a scapular stabilization exercise that is self limiting. A great 11+ min vid!
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