@VegasAthletesPT @Jerry_DurhamPT I agree, but we also have to support what and why we do what we do#solvept
@nanc765 @Jerry_DurhamPT #solvept - that's what i am getting at! Data is good, and helpful, but can still be lacking on its own..
@Jerry_DurhamPT because PT is science and art...you can't have just one #solvePT
@nanc765 @SnippetPhysTher #solvept - I do too. data can be misleading, look at the ads for chiro & spine surgeons touting their effectivenes
I need to finish a project... nice conversation and discussion! #solvept
@nanc765 @SnippetPhysTher #solvept -- have to look into that here. So far the game is one accepts a real low contract, so it ruins for all
@VegasAthletesPT @The_OMPT And if every clinic or PT says the patient will get better, how does patient choose?#solvept
@SnippetPhysTher @VegasAthletesPT Yes, I think BCBS is looking at this in NC; better outcomes, more pay#solvept
@SnippetPhysTher @The_OMPT #solvept is your question referring to prospective patients? I would guess they want to get better.
@VegasAthletesPT @nanc765 Uggh... If we can show our value and our effectiveness, at some point we should be paid more #solvept
@nanc765 @SnippetPhysTher #solvept...at that point BCBS doesnt care, they have a provider who will accept $20/visit, so they are happy
@nanc765 @SnippetPhysTher #solvept ..agree to crap low rates with BCBS b/c the know that can just take it by volume rather than quality..
@SnippetPhysTher @Jerry_DurhamPT Yes, and we as a profession need to get better at publishing our outcomes#solvept
@nanc765 @SnippetPhysTher #solvept - there is another problem here, and that is the large, high volume, poor quality PT companies that...
@VegasAthletesPT @nanc765 EMR are now able to tell the health of your business... but we also need to know clinician performance #solvept
@Jerry_DurhamPT Outcome data is a type of research - retrospective #solvept
@SnippetPhysTher @nanc765 #solvept ..important to BSBS that the FABQ scores and ROM measures...again, just playing devils advocate..
@nanc765 @SnippetPhysTher #solvept, insurers appreciate my low utilization rates, avg pt better in 6-10 visits.
@SnippetPhysTher @nanc765 #solvept - true, but i would argue that your EMR system that tracks visit #, avg charges, etc is more....
@SnippetPhysTher just need to clarify...outcome data tells a story...versus research tells...? I need some context here... #solvept
@SnippetPhysTher This is why PT in NC are successful with getting BCBS to establish new therapy driven guidelines for LBP mgmt #solvept
@Jerry_DurhamPT @SnippetPhysTher #solvept I joke w/him on it b/c I trained with him for my OMPT Fellowship, we've had this conversation
@Jerry_DurhamPT I'll respectfully disagree... outcome data tells a story. #solvept
@Jerry_DurhamPT @SnippetPhysTher@VegasAthletesPT @The_OMPT People don't always document properly.Having objective measures helps.#solvePT
@SnippetPhysTher - I agree, but sometimes I think the pendulum swings too far to the other extreme. #solvept. keep forgetting the hashtag!
@SnippetPhysTher @VegasAthletesPT @The_OMPT The DATA is years of patients charts...if people document properly... #solvept
@VegasAthletesPT Measuring, knowing, analyzing outcomes is KEY to sharing our effectiveness #solvePT
@VegasAthletesPT That isn't really a joking matter. We NEED data to support our effectiveness #solvept
#solvept I know my results, pts say they're better, they move and function better, and they return to ADLs, do I need #'s for this?
Well rounded PT is one that welcomes #physicaltherapyCE on addressing psych-soc barriers to recovery to augment hands on training #solvept
to be relevant, CE needs to be updated, referenced, and reflect practice...just like preprofessional education#solvept
@SnippetPhysTher Have I got a CE course for you! My experience with ther touch! only $800 lol #sarcasm#solvept
@SnippetPhysTher @The_OMPT questionnaires r good at tracking outcomes and client satisfaction #solvept
@traboccant Hey, I was just sayin... lol Transparency is needed #solvept
@VegasAthletesPT That may be true... and if offering a CE course based on testimonial or "experience" need to be upfront about it #solvept
@KendraPedPT @ptbise In my mind the regulation is needed or SOMETHING to help me readily know a quality course #solvept
@PhysicalTherapy Took an 18 month manual therapy fellowship and got no CE for it #solvept ???
what do think of the notion that 'what works in clinic often takes 10yrs to get into the literature' - Dr E, I know u heard that! #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher There you go... Good criteria for quality CE = supported by evidence <10 yrs old.#solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher Regs are good, but-in the end-you can't reg professionalism. There will always be those who do the min. #solvept
@KendraPedPT @SnippetPhysTher I'd settle for something with evidence that's not 10 years old for a start, then innovate #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher True, many more pathways. Could APTA give more credit weight to certain EBP courses first few years out? #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher Agree, but wonder if that would delay/bog down the process of getting innovative and new CE out there. #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher Yes, but only at the expense of your liver. Healing touch might get it though.#sarcasm#solvept
Okay... conversation officially wrapped up for me. I'll get PDF generated of it. Thanks to all of you for your thoughts!#solvePT
@traboccant @ptbise But see... that's a start. Keep those wanting to meet the bare minimum held to some level of quality CE #solvePT
@SnippetPhysTher I know that academic Ed contributes to practice variation but I think CE only makes it worse w/o regs #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher I chaired the CE approval in NM and nixed several courses (visceral manip) as not being best practice. #solvept
I tend to stay away from courses that only sport testimonials as rationale #solvePT
@SnippetPhysTher maybe there needs to be a peer review process for CEUs similar to publication requirements #solvept
@SnippetPhysTher one that does not promise to get every single pt. better ; ) #solvept
So, what would tip you off that a CE course should be a fabulous learning experience? #solvePT
I am in a ScD program which promotes ind. thinking, the discussions are incredible.#solvept
@physiocarept Seriously, they were! Adults learn by being engaged... adults don't need to be spoonfed #solvept
@traboccant Medscape has free CE ... read article, take test, get CEU #solvept
The most memorable, excellent learning experience was with Wainner and Childs EIM c-spine. It was the discussion that rocked #solvePT
@PhysicalTherapy Wasn't it Jette et al. who found the average PT reads less than 2 articles a month? #solvept#problemwithpt
Perhaps incorporate login info for full articles accessed through APTA article portal? #solvept
RE bit.ly/K6leqI But no one controls what the article or search or blog. How do you control the content of what is learned? #solvept
@PhysicalTherapy I would also like to mention that blogging on professional topics is also a learning experience too #solvept
MD's get credit for time spent on artlcles/EBP "searches', real time research yet #physicaltherapy CE remains in dark ages of CEUs #solvept
@PhysicalTherapy The problem with "self learning" is no credit :( #solvept
@SnippetPhysTher no but we can evaluate performance from early career to late career and should be getting better at very least #solvept
@PhysicalTherapy Honestly, Larry, I think I learn a TON more via my google reader and awesome tweeps!#solvept
latest trend-a good one in CE is concept of cont'd competency-applied articles, mentoring with master clinicians, EBP journal clubs #solvept
@moconnell915 Thank you for the re-tweet Megan!!! Tell your friends and ask them to join! #solvept
Now, now... we all can't do residency programs our whole career... #solvePT
@SnippetPhysTher @The_OMPT you said it Selena, performance is going to be the buzz word as things change in PT #solvept
@The_OMPT @SnippetPhysTher Was getting ready to say the same thing as @ptbise. Every patient is a case study.#solvept
@SnippetPhysTher Course not evaluated, yet. PT is, which is more important... #solvept
RT @PhysicalTherapy: bingo! RT @eiverspt: #solveptconsider residency programs for much more regulated and rigorous CE. And gives certifiable distinction
@The_OMPT @SnippetPhysTher but you are doing research, you do it on every patient but need a validated tracking device #solvept
I like the EIM management approach of cover topic for several weeks, then weekend intensive lab #solvept
@The_OMPT @SnippetPhysTher Evidence supports the use of outcome measures so why not use it? #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher if I were doing research I would use a questionnaire, but I'm not. #solvept
@traboccant Not sure if that solves the problem... how do you know quality of the course? #solvePT
@PhysicalTherapy We tried to offer free online courses to our clinical instructors, & no one accessed them. #solvept
@ptbise @SnippetPhysTher #solvept simply I measure movement/function, pre-treatment and measure after, measure include pt report.
@PhysicalTherapy not official CEU, but similar "energy healer awareness" extra lab in PT school, several students bought into it... #solvept
@SnippetPhysTher @ptbise I just jumped in and am also trying to figure out which we're talking about. Continuing ed, right? #solvept
@SnippetPhysTher Sorry to join in late. Have PTs looked into @FSBPT? They could lead the way on this issue.bit.ly/IEXxVc #solvePT
@PhysicalTherapy Seriously... how did you fall into that kind of a trap and go to that kind of a course?#physicaltherapy #solvept
@PhysicalTherapy myofascial release of the thoracic spine. All we did was breathe with our colleagues for 2 days. #solvept #worstCEever
What are thoughts on online/webinar CE courses? Are they the future or a waste of time? #solvept
There are 2 conversations going on here CE and CEU. Are we going to focus on one or remain split? #solvept
#solvept I'm not going to treat someone then hand them an SF-36, ODI, NDI, LEFS, or DASH to see if they improved.
my worst #physicaltherapy CE some dude 20+ years ago hands 3" above pnt's abodmen-said they felt "energy" & "restrictions" ouch. #solvept
@PhysicalTherapy When the feet hit the ground - completely rewrapped & regifted. What a waste#physicaltherapy #solvept #worstCEever
@SnippetPhysTher competing org. like to disparage other competitors. #solvept
@jengalbraith Help... what do you mean by CE for same curriculum for CIs? #solvept
@physiocarept What are the adversarial relationships you are mentioning? #solvept
#solvept I think OH releases there approval rates. Typically very high
Maybe stopping the adversarial relations b/w competing CEU org. May help #solvept
@ptfromou Definitely... creating connections and serving is highly important in this field #solvept #generationgap
#solvept seek a technology not just techniques is my advice. Just sayin
#solvept. Agree w @PhysicalTherapy on need for interview and custmr service. Seen Recent students/new grads struggle w this. #generationgap
@jengalbraith Does the OH state board ever share number of submissions vs number accepted? #solvePT
I also tend to think if clinicians really had an inkling of weaknesses, they'd have better capability to know what they needed #solvePT
#solvept consider residency programs for much more regulated and rigorous CE. And gives certifiable distinction to the student.
@PhysicalTherapy It does though... our colleagues get brain warped and it hurts us professionally #solvePT
I think we should remove multi-leveled technique centric certifications, IMO, #solvePT
So why couldn't research standards like CONSORT, PRISMA, TREND 0r STARD be tweeked to help provide info to clinicians? #solvePT
@PhysicalTherapy And in generating income as the focus, our profession is being diluted #physicaltherapy #solvept
not all #physicaltherapy CE should be "hands on" imho-gr8t need for patient interview skills, applied psych, & customer service #solvept
RT @Kintegrate: Education should be de-mysticized and use language that is common instead of inventing some lingo to sell #solvePT
@SnippetPhysTher BAM! there you go, I think we should have an independent website of APTA by academic, selected practitioners #solvePT
it's unfortunate imho that #physicaltherapy CE has turned into annuity income for state chapter's budgets #solvept
RT @PhysicalTherapy: isn't it a little bit curious that out of 220+ #physicaltherapy programs that less than handful offer CE? #solvept
#solvept @Kintegrate agreed! There are no original ideas. Just fresh ways of looking at the same thing
if I was CE czar there would never be a course with an eponym-even McKenzie. just sayin' #solvept
watching gr8t segment on DWTS abt #physicaltherapyimpact on brain injured dancer-WOW! now dancin for 1st time since #solvept
There is tremendous value in looking at old concepts and technique through the lens of new research, no need for new jargon to sell #solvePT
#solvept social med reviews may be more helpful and easier to est
#solvept more courses should have live pt treatments like McKenzie Institute, directly applicable
Does the APTA or any other body get money for cert of CEU? Perhaps this could be part of the prob#followthemoney #solvePT
Could something be created like what journals use to indicate strength of the research? #solvePT
Late to the party, are we talking about CE = Clinical Education? #solvept
RT @PhysicalTherapy: CE that says "evidence based" is redundant and illusory at the same time #solvept <- agree
buyer beware-look for fusion of academia & "real PT's" who see "real patients" & get "real situations" w "real social complexities" #solvept
isn't it a little bit curious that out of 220+ #physicaltherapyprograms that less than handful offer CE? #solvept
CE that says "evidence based" is redundant and illusory at the same time #solvept
@Kintegrate I fell for that lingo stuff once... was MAJORLY disappointed because it was re-gifted versus new & I expected new #solvePT
#solvept the trick is critical thinking skills taught to PT students. With that much of the mystery disappears
@SnippetPhysTher People create new lingo from old concepts and call it new to sell IMO, #solvePT, theory changes with ed techniques do not
via @PhysicalTherapy: buyer beware means if dude w reflex hammer selling CE wants to use it for other than traditional DTR's run #solvept
#solvept I think research has created a common scientific language that validate many effective PT interventions
@Kintegrate Does the lingo create an increase desire to be cool and want to learn it because it's new? #solvePT
If we could create a central clearing house with user ratings etc perhaps that is a start. #solvePT, we would need reviewers to but into it
Education should be de-mysticized and use language that is common instead of inventing some lingo to sell#solvePT
@PhysicalTherapy Should it be reasonable for buyer beware? Or could something help improve the ability to choose? #solvept
CE in #physicaltherapy is unregulated which is fine but definitely buyer beware #solvept
So, does anyone have any ideas on how to not fall into a fad trap of buzzwords when choosing continuing education? #solvePT
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