For those not on twitter, but are Butler and Moseley fans, here are some of today's tweets from #noi2012.
Changes in median nerve with CTS, possibly related to demyelination, increased latency, reduced amplitude of action potential #noi2012
RT @michieltrouw: Robert Nee dit a great presentation on the predicteble outcomes of neural movement therapy in arm pain sufferes #noi2012
evidence looks to be leading towards a Neuroimmune influence beyond a pain matrix Let's bring pelvis along w the rest of the body #noi2012
RT @SandyHiltonPT: Bob Nee on Neurodynamic treatment, benefits/harms, pt characteristics and what outcomes can we expect? #noi2012
RT @michieltrouw: Robert Nee dit a great presentation on the predicteble outcomes of neural movement therapy in arm pain sufferes #noi2012
Robert Nee dit a great presentation on the predicteble outcomes of neural movement therapy in arm pain sufferes #noi2012
Wifi issues at #noi2012 for me, sorted now, nothing that can't be fixed by turning something off and then on again....
RT @michieltrouw: But the presentation are still very good!#noi2012
RT @michieltrouw: After a fantastic party last night the participants on the #noi2012 are twittering less then normal:-)
After a fantastic party last night the participants on the#noi2012 are twittering less then normal:-)
Participants who experienced an 'adverse event' had same rate of improvement to those w/o. Nee et al 2011 contemp clinical trials #noi2012
RCT done w 4 sessions over 2 wks of Neurodynamic treatment.used global rating of change scale. Across measures positive w low NNT #noi2012
Bob Nee on Neurodynamic treatment, benefits/harms, pt characteristics and what outcomes can we expect?#noi2012
Great music at #noi2012 , Rage Against The Machine, now "twist and shout" from The Beatles!
RT @bodyinmind: Lorimer Moseley The cortical body matrix. Scratching a prosthetic leg can relieve phantom limb pain. #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Disruption of somatotopic maps - people with chronic back pain have a shift in their somatotopic maps #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: visual information is enough to capture autonomic disruption #noi2012.
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Sad to think recognition of occupational therapy is being lost in rush for other professions to do what we do! #noi2012
from an evolutionary point of view what is the benefit of neglect? Protection perhaps. removing a problem part of body perhaps #noi2012
Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #fb
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
Lorimer says occupational therapy MUST publish in mainstream journals, and do rigorous research - I cannot agree more #noi2012
Sad to think recognition of occupational therapy is being lost in rush for other professions to do what we do!#noi2012
You GO Girl! occupational therapists do the integration of neuroscience and biopsychosocial - evidence based OT!#noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Strength of illusion and size of response strongly related #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Consider behaviour change as integral to the way we work with patients #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Healthskills blog gives further info on motivational behaviour change #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Give patients options - collaborate, understand, making sense of what is needed, daily actions, review, support #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology: #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Immune response and body ownership - consequences for real hand from rubber hand illusion #noi2012
What does it mean, disowning a body part resulted in larger effect to histamine #noi2012
Measured histamine response in a rubber hand illusion. The illusion created larger response related to vividness of the illusion #noi2012
Perceptions of body ownership can modulate the immune system Barnsley et al Current biology:
RT @adiemusfree: Careful study design fr Rubber hand illusion & immune response - nice to see! #noi2012
RT @SandyHiltonPT: Do perceptions of body ownership affect the immune system (important for recognition of self)? #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Strength of illusion and size of response strongly related #noi2012
Strength of illusion and size of response strongly related#noi2012
Rubber hand illusion resulted in increased response to histamine on forearm #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Cooling of real hand during rubber hand illusion #noi2012 rejection of real arm leads to dysregulation of autonomic systems
RT @adiemusfree: Careful study design fr Rubber hand illusion & immune response - nice to see! #noi2012
RT @SandyHiltonPT: Do perceptions of body ownership affect the immune system (important for recognition of self)? #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Immune response and body ownership - consequences for real hand from rubber hand illusion #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Give patients options - collaborate, understand, making sense of what is needed, daily actions, review, support #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Cooling of real hand during rubber hand illusion #noi2012 rejection of real arm leads to dysregulation of autonomic systems
Careful study design fr Rubber hand illusion & immune response - nice to see! #noi2012
RT @SandyHiltonPT: Do perceptions of body ownership affect the immune system (important for recognition of self)? #noi2012
RT @SandyHiltonPT: Do perceptions of body ownership affect the immune system (important for recognition of self)? #noi2012
Do perceptions of body ownership affect the immune system (important for recognition of self)? #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Cooling of real hand during rubber hand illusion #noi2012 rejection of real arm leads to dysregulation of autonomic systems
RT @adiemusfree: Cooling of real hand during rubber hand illusion #noi2012 rejection of real arm leads to dysregulation of autonomic systems
Cooling of real hand during rubber hand illusion #noi2012rejection of real arm leads to dysregulation of autonomic systems
Perceptions of body ownership can change. eg cooling of arm during rubber hand illusion - real arm rejected, replaced by rubber arm #noi2012
Immune response and body ownership - consequences for real hand from rubber hand illusion #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Behaviour change for people in pain - 60 % variance in outcomes from patient engagement Scott Miller #noi2012
RT @bodyinmind: James McAuley The rubber hand illusion and the immune response. #noi2012
Body/self perceptions are plastic #noi2012 how fundamental is this simple statement!
Accurate representation of body/self essential for healthy functioning #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Healthskills blog gives further info on motivational behaviour change #noi2012
James McAuley The rubber hand illusion and the immune response. #noi2012
Behaviour change for people in pain - 60 % variance in outcomes from patient engagement Scott Miller #noi2012 For more info on readiness to change, and ideas for behavioral change information for patients/clinicians #noi2012
When in doubt....... Ask the patient!!! #noi2012 also - Are you ready to change, how are you traveling, what do you need??
Give patients options - collaborate, understand, making sense of what is needed, daily actions, review, support#noi2012
Love the emphasis on both the patient and the clinician being willing to participate in active behavioral change.#noi2012
Healthskills blog gives further info on motivational behaviour change #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: RICk principles - R readiness, I importance, C confidence, k knowledge - often not importance BUT confidence #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: Consider behaviour change as integral to the way we work with patients #noi2012
Everyone wants the best outcomes, how ready/willing are you to integrate necessary behavior change? What is in the way? #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: To change clinician behaviour - not just importance, or knowledge but decisional balance#noi2012
Consider behaviour change as integral to the way we work with patients #noi2012
ALL patients will say they are motivated to reduce pain, but may not engage in the BEHAVIOURS required to do so#noi2012
ALL patients will say they are motivated to reduce pain, but may not engage in the BEHAVIOURS required to do so#noi2012
To change clinician behaviour - not just importance, or knowledge but decisional balance #noi2012
Motivation to reduce pain is not necessarily equal to motivation to engage in behaviors to reduce pain #noi2012
RT @adiemusfree: RICk principles - R readiness, I importance, C confidence, k knowledge - often not importance BUT confidence #noi2012
RICk principles - R readiness, I importance, C confidence, k knowledge - often not importance BUT confidence#noi2012
If patients are "above the line" need to engage with them differently, get them to the decision line first, the goal set and plan #noi2012
After the decision line 4 Planning 5 action 6 self regulate - effective behavior change #noi2012
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