Today's Quick Links come from PT Diagnosis, Optimum Sports Performance, Sports Medicine Research, and Dynamic Principles.
Tim Richardson over at PT Diagnosis recently posted about a new Medicare Mandate in Florida. Medicare is stating 12 weeks of PT must be utilized prior to them approving TKAs. While this may increase referrals, it is not the answer. It should be driven by true medical necessity. Undoubtedly there are patients who will get better with PT, maybe with more time and maybe with less. There are also those who will absolutely need the surgery.
Patrick Ward recently blogged about recovery in the Athlete vs the Average Joe. The two studies he reviewed are very similar except one important variable. Life happens all the time in our patient caseloads. I just had a chronic pain patient I have been treating using a general and functional strengthening program. She just went out of town, saw her grandchildren and kids, had wonderful time, and of course came back feeling much better.
SMR reviewed research on Rehab of Concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome. How to diagnose post concussion syndrome is reviewed as well as treatment recommendations. I have found for PCS, there is often cervical dysfunction and they benefit from graded exercise along with manual therapy and deep cervical flexor strengthening programs.
Leonard @ Dynamic Principles has a good demonstrational vid of 3d/triplanar hamstring stretching. I teach very similar dynamic stretches, only I classify them as neurodynamic tensioners. As you cannot isolate any tissue, and possibly even not really "affect" tissue in the short term, whatever you call it, these work much better for increasing stretch tolerance or hip flexibility than static stretching.
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