SMR posts another review, this time of a meta-analysis of static stretching. Other than do to it because "it feels good," yet more research showing pre-exercise or sport static stretching decreases performance.
Dr. Joe Brence's latest post on Understanding Research reviews the independent variable and study design. If you need a review, it's a quick, well written post.
Richmond Stace recently wrote more on Pain, Some Thing You May Not Have Realised. Some interesting concepts on vision, and the perception of acute pain.
Jesse recently featured his first case study on his blog! It's amazing what a HVLA can do in terms of immediate relief. Very possible and likely that Grade 3-4 mobs would have similar results, without the risk, but may have taken several visits. There is something to be said for immediate relief, whatever the mechanism in terms of patient and referral source satisfaction. Yes, there is risk, but it is minimal. So if you are against thrust, do not bother reading!
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