Today's Quick Links come from In Touch Physical Therapy, Body in Mind, the MDT Newsletter, and BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders as shared by @snippetphysther
Dr. Vaughn recently blogged about objectively measuring walking. He cites some research and gives several ways to objectify this simple, but effective measure.
The MDT Bulletin posted a simple MDT Cervical case that is further broken down by cost basis. Interesting to note how much the patient would have saved had she seen the right practitioner sooner.
Another interesting study over at Body in Mind on the Influence of Cupping on Body Image. Cupping changed perception of body image, which was distorted in chronic neck pain. They surmise that more active treatments are needed to change coping strategies, which were unchanged with cupping only. No matter which treatment is chosen, it seems any PT would use a multimodal strategy passive, active, and educational treatments.
@snippetphysther posted a link to Physiotherapy movement based classification approaches to low back pain: comparison of subgroups through review and developer/expert survey. It's a rather lengthy study but looks at several of the current movement based classification systems for lower back pain.
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