This is a follow up for HEP to be used after the patient has hamstring work done. It goes well with the corkscrew technique. As long as the patient can balance on a single limb stance, it is very effective as it is also a neurodynamic tensioner depending on how much hip adduction and IR you instruct them on. They can oscillate with repeated hip IR and ankle dorsiflexion to start, and progress to uninvolved LE squats with overpressure of inferior glide to really increase the stretch proximally and posteriorly.
Technique Highlight: Standing Hamstring/Neurodynamic Tensioner
This is a follow up for HEP to be used after the patient has hamstring work done. It goes well with the corkscrew technique. As long as the patient can balance on a single limb stance, it is very effective as it is also a neurodynamic tensioner depending on how much hip adduction and IR you instruct them on. They can oscillate with repeated hip IR and ankle dorsiflexion to start, and progress to uninvolved LE squats with overpressure of inferior glide to really increase the stretch proximally and posteriorly.
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