Yesterday's post on FAI inspired me to share this instruction video on hip long axis distraction. This is a common technique that is in most PTs bag of tricks. I wanted to show a few variations I've picked up over the years plus a thrust manipulation with belt stabilization. Note, I only use belt stabilization for the thrust, not the mobilization.
Indicated for
- hip capsular pattern - IR > flexion > abduction
- hip FAI - normally having tender and hard end feel with passive OP in hip flexion
- treating the neural container of lumbar derangement or radic with LE complaints
- patients with knee pain - often have hip dysfunction referring to the knee
- unilateral derangements often having hip dysfunction on the ipsilateral side
- hypermobile SIJ commonly has ipsilateral restricted hip
I normally perform the mobilization in grade 4 for 3-5 minutes or until it changes. The variations are progressions to increase the stretch or decrease depending on patient tolerance. The thrust I perform twice. Important to note, the cavitation is normally felt by the patient and clinician, but not normally auditory, just like in the video. Enjoy!

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