Dr. Joseph Brence is a physical therapist practicing in Pittsburgh, Pa. When he is not busy treating patients, he is involved in several, large clinical research projects. His interest is to further determine “how stuff works” and has a large interest in the brains involvement in the pain experience as well as the neurophysiological effects of manual therapy techniques.
Joseph is also married to his wonderful wife, Kristen, has a Boston terrier named Ellie, and enjoys exploring the south hills of Pittsburgh with them. To read more from Joseph, visit www.forwardthinkingpt.com
By: Joseph
Brence, DPT (@joebrence9)
Recently, there has been a lot of
discussion in the “PT community” about approaching the care of
painful conditions from a biopsychosocial approach vs. the typical
biomedical approach. These two methods differ theoretically and Dr.
Religioso has graciously asked if I would contribute a guest post on
the treatment of pain from a biopsychosocial approach. I hope after
reading this article, we could engage in a fruitful discussion about
what we do, why we think it works and what science is telling us
about how it works.
Step 1: What is pain?
International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain
as “An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with
actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such
This definition highlights, in one sentence, one of the most
essential things we must understand about pain when treating our
patients …nociception (which is input from nociceptors—unmylenated,
danger receptors) is not necessary for the experience of pain. Pain
is 100% of the time an output from the brain based upon many
different variables, and simply the brain’s suspicion that a tissue
has the potential for damage, will cause it to react. This reaction
results in a conscious experience, which is crucial for our safety
and survival.2
The brain’s reaction can be based off of an interpretation of
sensory input from the body, previous experiences of pain, social
and/or environmental influences, expectations of consequences of the
threat, beliefs/logic, etc. The reaction by the brain is based off
its interpretation of the idea, “how dangerous is this threat?”
If the brain determines the threat has potential to harm the body, it
will send pain to that area, to protect.3
This sensory experience causes us to react and defend our tissues.
It causes us to pull our hand away from a hot stove and unknowingly
assume postures and change positions in order to preserve the
integrity of our tissues.
2: How do we understand how our patient is experiencing pain?
PTs, we like classification systems to describe to our patients why
they hurt. Under a biomedical model, we typically consider pain as
acute, subacute or chronic and base our understanding off of a
time-frame. We also like to classify the pain based upon the
affected tissue and will describe it as fascial, joint, muscular,
visceral or nerve (more about this later). Because of the
unpredictable nature of painful conditions, and the poor reliability
associated with attempting to determine what tissue hurts, I suggest
we instead begin utilizing a classification of pain according to
their neurophysiological principles. This approach has been
determined to have discriminative validity4
and is
better supported by the current neurophysiological evidence. It
states that pain can be classified as:
- intermittent and sharp with movement or mechanical provocation
- pain localized to the area of injury or dysfunction
- clear, proportionate mechanical/anatomical nature to aggravating and easing factors
- pain described as shooting, burning, sharp, electric-like
- pain in association with other dysesthesias
- night pain/disturbed sleep
- antalgic postures/movements
Peripheral Neuropathic
- history of nerve injury, pathology or mechanical compromise
- pain in a dermatomal or cutaneous distribution
- pain/symptoms provocation with movement tests that move or compress neural tissue (ex. SLR)
Central Sensitization:
- pain is disproportionate to the nature or extent of injury/pathology
- disproportionate, non-mechanical, unpredictable pattern of pain provocation in response to aggravating/easing factors
- strong association with maladaptive psychological factors
- diffuse/non-anatomic areas of pain/tenderness to palpation
- hypersensitivity to peripheral stimuli (thermal, tactile, sharp/dull)
the understanding of this classification, we must consider that most
tissue injuries take a certain length of time to heal. When a tissue
is damaged, an output of pain can occur to protect it (this leads to
an adaptation within the pain pathways). The longer the nervous
system reacts to protect the tissue that is supposedly damaged, the
more efficient it becomes at sending an output of pain to protect
that region. This causes the nervous system to become more
“sensitive” and in some cases, simply the suspicion that a tissue
is in danger will cause it to react.
a prolonged output of pain can result in a process called central
sensitization. Central sensitization occurs due to an augmentation
of responsiveness of central neurons to input from unimodel and
polymodal nociceptors. This leads to an altered sensory processing
within the brain, malfunctioning of anti-descending nociceptive
mechanisms, increased activity of pain facilitory pathways, temporal
summation and long-term potentiation of neuronal synapsis in the
anterior cingulated cortex. This results in a central process of an
increased responsiveness to peripheral stimuli, even if they are
must understand that this process occurs. Our patients, who we once
classified as having chronic or difficult low back pain symptoms, may
have not had pain because their spine was unstable, hypomobile, or
arthritic, but instead because a central sensitization of the nervous
system has occurred.
3: What is the biopsychosocial approach to treating pain?
past the neuroanatomy of pain, we must also understand that pain does
not simply occur due to the tissues of our body but instead because
of an even more complex relationship that exists between the
biological (anatomical and physiological), psychological and social
factors that occur concomitantly in many conditions. This
understanding leads us to treatment patterns using a biopsychosocial
has been significant evidence to support that non-anatomical
variables can serve as prognostic indicators as well as obstacles to
recovery, in many of the patients that we see.6
For example, a recent study, published in the Journal of Pain, found
that pain catastrophizing, pain-related fear of movement, and
depression predicted pain and function one-year following total knee
arthroplasty (TKA). This study demonstrated that the prognostic
indicators, for those who will have long-term pain following a TKA,
appears to be correlated with psychological variables.7
PTs, we must understand that painful conditions may not always be
related to the tissues of our body, but instead a complex interaction
of internal and external variables.
4: How do we incorporate this knowledge into effective treatment?
believe the best way to incorporate these concepts into practice is
to: 1. understand our diagnostic limitations 2. utilize pain
education 3. incorporate graded exposure for the treatment of pain 4.
understand what happens when we touch our patients and 5. never
provoke pain. These concepts may not change your interventions per
se, but will instead change your rationale for when to use them and
why you think they are working.
1) Understand
our diagnostic limitations.
As PTs, we often like to blame specific tissues for our patient’s
pain. We will tell them that their pain is due to a strained
muscle, restricted fascia, a slipped disc, etc. but how truthful are
we being in these statements (you don’t have to admit this out
loud, just think about it)? Many of our palpatory tests are
unreliable and unless we are utilizing diagnostic imaging (which has
its own limitations), how do we know what exactly we are touching,
besides the skin, and how we can be sure that what we think we are
touching is causing our patients pain. I recommend instead,
classifying each patient’s condition utilizing the criteria I
detailed above and approach treatment with an understanding of each
class. For example, if the patient is in a process of central
sensitization, research indicates they are hypersensitive to thermal
stimuli. So application of hot/cold modalities may actually lead to
an increased pain output and be more detrimental than beneficial.
Classifying pain in these three groups can help us formulate a more
scientific plan of care.
2) Utilize
pain education and incorporate them into the care.
If we want to truly be called “Doctors of Physical Therapy”, we
must educate every one of our consumers… plain and simple. The
term doctor is actually derived from the latin term doctoris
which means teacher. Literature is indicating that there is a
significant value in the education of healthcare consumers about
“pain.” By teaching our patients that multiple variables can
influence their pain, such as the context in which they experience
it, will help them understand why other past interventions may have
been unsuccessful. In this process, we actually may have to “undo”
some of the education we have previously provided, but in doing
this, we will be more evidence-based, honest clinicians and I
guarantee most patients will respect and appreciate this. I
recommend reading more about this in this
by Dr. Lorimer Moseley.
3) Incorporate
graded exposure in the treatment of pain
exposure is the exposing of a patient to a specific situation which
they are fearful. This exposure is gradual and hierarchical, in
which you introduce an exercise or activity which elicits very little
fear and gradually introduce more fearful situations. Evidence
supports this in the reduction of pain-related fear and disability.8
begin with graded exposure, I generally utilize a patient specific
functional scale, Tampa scale for kinesiophobia, FABQ, etc. to look
at situations which my patient perceives as threatening. Exercises
and goals are then designed to gradually perform activities which
they they were unable to do due to fear.
example, let’s say we have a patient who has complaints of back
pain one year after a lifting injury (It was injured when they
attempted to carry a 50lb crate up a ramp). We would begin graded
exposure treatment by having the patient actively assume positions
necessary to lift a crate. We would progress the patient by moving
into these positions while visually looking at the crate followed by
lifting of an empty crate. Eventually, we would add weight to this
crate and have them carry it on a level surface and progress to doing
so up a ramp. In this case, the patient was able to approach the
task in which the brain perceives as threatening and gradually work
to overcome the fear. This approach is much different than having
the patient perform pelvic tilts until their core is stable.
4) Understand
what happens when we touch our patients
therapy is extremely important to our profession and patient care,
but this stated, I think we must understand our limitations of
understanding how it works. Because this is “The Manual
Therapist’s” blog, I do not want to go into great deal with this
subject, but want to say that modern neuroscience does support
interhuman interactions (so if you have a method of manual therapy
that makes sense in regards to modern neuroscience, use it). Whether
the effects are biomechanical, neurophysiological, or placebo (there
is a wide range of literature to support all three of these
notions---most recent literature pointing to the latter two) my only
recommendation is that we do not perform techniques which the patient
perceives as threatening or limits their expectations for recovery.
Quite simply, we shouldn’t poke at something that hurts but instead
only help the patient move a restricted body part within their pain
5) Do
not provoke pain
is a simple principle to understand. Current evidence does not
support the phrase, “no pain, no gain.” We must attempt not to
push our patients into pain, because as described above, the more
afferent nociception that occurs, the more sensitive the nervous
system can become, which can lead to central sensitivity. We must be
conscious that pain is a defense mechanism and if our patients
complain that we are making them do something that hurts, we must
back off.
In summary, I have highlighted how we can incorporate modern
neuroscience into a biopsychosocial model in the treatment of our
patient’s painful conditions. Pain is the costliest condition for
our modern US healthcare system and we must admit, none of us hold
the “holy grail” knowledge or intervention at eliminating all of
our patient’s pain. I believe if we take into account what
science is telling us, we can ultimately do a better job with
patients who may have not gotten better in the past.
edit: Here is my response.
edit: Here is my response.
- Merskey H, Bogduk N. Classification of Chronic Pain. 2nd ed. Seattle: IASP; 1994
- Iannetti GD, Mouraux A. From the neuromatrix to the pain matrix (and back). Exp Brain Res 2010; 205; 1-12
- Moseley GL. A pain neuromatrix approach to patients with chronic pain. Manual Therapy 2003;8:130-140
- Smart KM, Blake C, Staines A, et al. The Discriminative Validity of “Nociceptive” “Peripheral Neuropathic” and “Central Sensitization” as Mechanism-Based Classifications of Musculoskeletal Pain. The Clinical Journal of Pain. 2011:27; 655-663
- Nijs J, Houdenhove B. Recognition of central sensitization in patients with musculoskeletal pain: application of pain neurophysiology in manual therapy practice. Manual Therapy 2010; 15: 135-141
- Foster NE, Delitto A. Embedding psychosocial perspectives within clinical management of low back pain: integration of psychosocially informed management principles into physical therapy practice-challenges and opportunities. Physical Therapy 2011; 91: 790-804
- Sullivan M, Tanzar M, Reardon G, et al. The role of presurgical expectancies in predicting pain and function one year following total knee arthroplasty. Pain 2011
- George SZ, Wittmer VT, et al. Comparison of graded exercise and graded exposure clinical outcomes for patients with chronic low back pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010; 40: 694-704
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