I hear clinicians tell their pts about "scar tissue" all the time. What many of them don't differentiate is scar tissue is formed from an injury/inflammation, and adhesions are from immobility. They are two different things, and not necessary occurring with each other, especially without injury. Patrick gives a great explanation of scar tissue, what it is, and what you can do about it.
Great Post: Scars and Scar Tissue
Via Patrick Ward
I hear clinicians tell their pts about "scar tissue" all the time. What many of them don't differentiate is scar tissue is formed from an injury/inflammation, and adhesions are from immobility. They are two different things, and not necessary occurring with each other, especially without injury. Patrick gives a great explanation of scar tissue, what it is, and what you can do about it.
I hear clinicians tell their pts about "scar tissue" all the time. What many of them don't differentiate is scar tissue is formed from an injury/inflammation, and adhesions are from immobility. They are two different things, and not necessary occurring with each other, especially without injury. Patrick gives a great explanation of scar tissue, what it is, and what you can do about it.
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