Please Stop Pressing and Guessing or Poking and Hoping. Time to Eliminate Passive Intervertebral Assessment | Modern Manual Therapy Blog - Manual Therapy, Videos, Neurodynamics, Podcasts, Research Reviews

Please Stop Pressing and Guessing or Poking and Hoping. Time to Eliminate Passive Intervertebral Assessment

Did you know that up to 76% of manual therapy trained PTs believe passive intertebral motion is a valid assessment? In addition, 98% of PTs use a form of PIVM or what I call "poking and hoping."

That is an astonishingly high percentage for an assessment that has moderate reliability at best and poor validity to boot. I can't sum it up as well as Dr. Bahram Jam et al does in their latest will never be published paper here.

Read the paper and let it digest - it's something I've been teaching and blogging about for years.

Use the time you would have spent pressing and guessing on some Pain Science Education and Repeated Motions Exam. Manual therapy definitely works, but it assists the nervous system in attaining a state that allows the body to move and function threat free. That's our job.

Oh and by the way, that picture was taken almost 6 years ago, I was still probably pressing and guessing myself a bit back then (but definitely moving away from it). If I could do it as a classically trained FAAOMPT, you can too!

Interested in live cases where I apply this approach and integrate it with pain science, manual therapy, repeated motions, IASTM, with emphasis on patient education? Check out Modern Manual Therapy!

Keeping it Eclectic...

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